Monday, September 6, 2010


I'm not taking as many hours this semester as I was last semester, and as such, I keep thinking that I'm forgetting something that I should be doing.
So far, this hasn't actually happened, but the feeling is still there. It's rather frustrating, to be quite honest.

I made almond chicken and rice last night. I was supposed to use instant rice instead of regular rice, but I still think it turned out alright. Just a bit crunchier than I think the original recipe intended it to be.

A recurring problem: Our dryer doesn't actually finish drying things. A possible solution: buying a miniature clothes rack to hang things up on.

In the flute section of the Pride of Oklahoma, we have a tradition where the individual members pair up into "flute buddies." At specific games during the season, these buddies exchange gifts with each other. I have the best flute buddy in the entire world, because my flute buddy made me oreo truffles. As in, she crafted them with her own hands and created them for me.

And they're delicious. Like you wouldn't believe.

Yesterday at Hideaway Pizza, a random group of strangers covered my bill. It made me very happy, but I don't have a clue who they were, so I can't thank them... THANK YOU!


I think that aural skills might actually be unteachable. Either you get it or you don't.

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